19 August 2011

i spent too much money
made several people happy (and was made auspicious by others)
thought again what an amazing and lovely person my cousin is (she made probably the best comparison ever based upon harry potter)
i bought flowers
i spent my unexpected free time browsing through a bookstore
and bought "the great gatsby" by f. scott fitzgerald


  1. what was the harry potter comparison?

  2. there is a picture of me and a friend, sitting back to back and holding our heads against each other. she told me that the picture was nice, but that the scenerie looked a lot like quirrel and voldemort being head against head in the first harry potter book. i hadn't thought about this at all, but it really is true!

  3. I have to ask you that question: could it be that you are a nerdfighter? :)

  4. haha :D this is a funny question. indeed one could desbribe me as a nerdfighter. but this would not be the whole truth. about nerdfighters i like the idea of being proud of what you are, then again i feel queasy about the fact of somehow considering oneself to be the cut above the rest. or at least to be special (which automatically degrades "the others" to be "normal" or "average" - which are things that don't exist that simplified in my eyes). of course i know that this whole "nerdfighter"-thing is mostly meant self-deprecating, but still it implicates a little bit of classification ("you are there - and we, the nerds, are here. and WE are the COOL ones!!").
    so nevertheless i like the vlogbrothers, especially for repeating: DFTBA :)
